

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Forex Trading Vurses other investments

Forex Trading Vurses other investments

The forex market involves trading currencies and is the largest financial market in the world with daily turnover of around 1,5 trillon dollars. This is 30 times greater than all U.S. stock markets combined. The FOREX market is open 24 hours a day 5 days a week.

Historically, the foreign exchange market was available mainly to large banks, multi-national corporations and other wealthy participants who traded in large transaction sizes. Now, however, the advent of the Internet and new technology, forex trading is becoming an increasingly popular alternative investment to the general public.

More and more investors are moving away from traditional markets and turning to forex trading for many reasons. "

Earn a full time income from part-time effort begins with as little as $ 300 in your account. Start with a demo account until you feel comfortable opening a live account

Lower margin requirements for trading forex, usually about 1%, which equal $ 1,000 for a $ 100,000 contract. Compare this with 50% margin requirements on stock market.

No commission - when you trade stocks or commodities have to pay brokerage commissions.
For a forex trader, the spread is just the cost needed to cover.

Limited risk and guaranteed stop-when you trade stocks and commodities, your risk is unlimited. The Forex market will cease to be recharged easily, it is impossible to lose more than the amount of money in the forex account.

Because foreign exchange market liquidity and 24 hours continuous trading, dangerous trading gaps and limit moves are eliminated. Orders are made quickly, without slippage.

Because the market is so big, there is a possibility of control of the market price, unlike the stock market that may involve insider trading.

Trading currencies is much simpler than stocks. There are only a few major currency pairs as opposed to the thousands of stocks to analyze.

There are great opportunities in the Forex market to make a profit when prices go up or down.

Do you want to achieve financial freedom working from anywhere in the world with just a computer and internet connection? Start a Forex trading today !!!!!

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- Avoiding Forex Related scams and frauds


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