download iCorrelationTable_v3 indicator -
Period Correlation
SymbolsListVariant - 1 - all characters from a window view of the market, 2 - from the file. The list is taken at the launch of the indicator, changing the character set in the review of the market, or the file will need to restart indicator
FileName - File name with a list of characters. Used in SymbolsListVariant = 2. The file should be in the directory experts / files. In one siroke file one character. An example file is attached (Symbols.txt)
ColorOf - Color the disabled items on the list of timeframes and symbols
ColorOn - Color of the locations included in the lists of characters and timeframes
ColorCaption - Color table headers
ColorValues - color table values
ColorMainLevels - Color Levels 0, 1, -1, graphic correlation
ColorLevels - Color graphics from other levels of correlation
ColorLevels_2 - Color levels 0.5, -0.5, graphic correlation
ColorLevels_3 - Color levels 0.7, -0.7, graphic correlation
ColorDot - Color points on the graph of the correlation
iCorrelationTable_v3 indicator Control
The iCorrelationTable_v3 indicator controls shown.
To switch the timeframe necessary to move the label to the desired timeframe.
To list the table must remove the gray label from the total list of characters to delete characters from the table - remove colored characters from the total list of characters.
If you move the label with the symbol in the table header (top row of the table), then change the sign
If you move the label with the symbol in the left column of the table, then displays the graph of the symbol correlation with other characters from the table.
If you move the inscription in the table with a value, you will see these characters display the correlation between them.
You can change the correlation between the property without an indicator - change the labels in adjacent (right) of the inscription "CorPeriod" - change the property "Text" graphic.
After the offset label changes occur with the advent of new teak or can be updated manually - right on schedule - Update. Another script can hang sWinRefresh (attached), the update will be coming proishodlit without ticks (for experiments at the weekend).
iCorrelationTable_v3 indicator New options:
Shift - Bar from which to begin calculation.
Price - Price: 0-Close, 1-Open, 2-High, 3-Low, 4-Median, 5-Typical, 6-Weighted.
Level - A level.
ColorValuesMax - Color values in the table above Level.
ColorValuesMin - Color values in the table below-Level.
ChartPos - Status Graphics: 1 - right, 2 - bottom.
Download: iCorrelationTable_v3
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